Italian language: the color of twenty regions20200416072031

Italian language: the color of twenty regions

As Serianni (2019) writes, the Italian lexicon could be schematized by a pyramid whose layers are made up of formations inside the system, of Latinism...
Pane al pane e vino al vino!20200305072843

Pane al pane e vino al vino!

We’ve come to the last article about the Italian idioms (here the others). And to close, we’re going to say ‘pane al pane e vino al vino’...
Pesce fuor d’acqua and other fish idioms!20200228090356

Pesce fuor d’acqua and other fish idioms!

Sometimes when I speak a foreign language I feel like a “pesce fuor d’acqua” . And so I end up being “muto come un pesce”. How many ways to say fish...
Barking dogs seldom bite20200218072636

Barking dogs seldom bite

A few articles ago (‘”Perdere la testa” and other idiomatic expressions‘, ‘Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other...
“Perdere la testa” and other idiomatic expressions20200214080421

“Perdere la testa” and other idiomatic expressions

As we wrote a few days ago, in order to speak Italian fluently it is good to know some idiomatic expressions that make the language more natural and m...
Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other idiomatic expressions20200204060739

Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other idiomatic expressions

As Cooper has written in 1998, “Since idiomatic expressions are so frequently encountered in both spoken and written discourse, they require spe...
Non c’è due senza tre20200123060739

Non c’è due senza tre

There are really a lot of idiomatic expressions with numbers, but how to work with them and where to find good resources to acquire them? Let’s ...
Italian idioms: Chi ha fatto trenta può fare trentuno20200121060852

Italian idioms: Chi ha fatto trenta può fare trentuno

As you know, in order to understand a language, we must know what the idioms in that language mean. If we try to figure out the meaning of an idiom li...
The best way to learn Italian: grammar20191126064158

The best way to learn Italian: grammar

A few weeks ago, we have been talking about the best way to learn Italian through vocabulary, today we’re going to speak about grammar! Are you ready?...
The best way to learn Italian: vocabulary20191114075434

The best way to learn Italian: vocabulary

A few weeks ago, we have been talking about speaking & writing. Now we will discover the best way to learn Italian talking about vocabulary and gr...