Can che abbaia non morde20220317074613
Can che abbaia non morde
Valentina17 Marzo 2022increase confidence, Italian language, Italian reading, Italian writing, speaking Italian, vocabulary0 comments
Qualche articolo fa (Avere cervello e altre espressioni idiomatiche), parlavamo di modi di dire. Oggi cominciamo con il ben noto modo di dire: “...
Sbagliando s’impara20220113103704
Sbagliando s’impara
Valentina13 Gennaio 2022increase confidence, Italian A1, Italian for beginners, Italian online courses, Italian online lessons, learn a foreign language, learn stress free, speaking Italian0 comments
Cominciamo con il proverbio italiano: ‘Sbagliando, s’impara‘. Diciamo anche che non è necessario avere una scuola di italiano vicino...
Imparare l’italiano cantando!20201001073019
Imparare l’italiano cantando!
Sara1 Ottobre 2020increase confidence, Italian A1, Italian for beginners, Italian language, Italian online lessons, Italian speaking, learn stress free, speaking Italian, vocabulary2 comments
Molti studenti mi chiedono: ‘Come possiamo imparare l’italiano divertendoci?‘ E la mia risposta è quasi sempre la stessa: ‘Can...
Italian language: the color of twenty regions20200416072031
Italian language: the color of twenty regions
Sara16 Aprile 2020italian, Italian language, Italian speaking, speaking Italian, vocabulary0 comments
As Serianni (2019) writes, the Italian lexicon could be schematized by a pyramid whose layers are made up of formations inside the system, of Latinism...
Drinking like a fish!20200303063351
Drinking like a fish!
Sara3 Marzo 2020increase confidence, Italian language, Italian reading, Italian speaking, Italian writing, speaking Italian0 comments
We finally arrived at our penultimate article on idioms, after having explored idioms with numbers (here and here), body parts (here and here) and ani...
Barking dogs seldom bite20200218072636
Barking dogs seldom bite
A few articles ago (‘”Perdere la testa” and other idiomatic expressions‘, ‘Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other...
Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other idiomatic expressions20200204060739
Have you got brains? Avere cervello and other idiomatic expressions
Sara4 Febbraio 2020Italian reading, Italian speaking, Italian writing, learning by doing, speaking Italian, vocabulary0 comments
As Cooper has written in 1998, “Since idiomatic expressions are so frequently encountered in both spoken and written discourse, they require spe...
Italian intermediate level20200109060833
Italian intermediate level
Sara9 Gennaio 2020increase confidence, Italian online lessons, learn a foreign language, speaking Italian0 comments
Finally, the 2020 is here! You’re full of good intentions and energy to start new activities. So why not use this new energy to improve yourself...
Italian elementary level20191231054358
Italian elementary level
Sara31 Dicembre 2019italian, Italian online courses, Italian online lessons, learn a foreign language, speaking Italian0 comments
The end of the year is a wonderful time to look forward with anticipation and make plans for the new year, and there’s no better way to usher in...
Italian online courses20191210075524
Italian online courses
Sara10 Dicembre 2019Italian grammar, Italian language, Italian online courses, Italian online lessons, Italian reading, Italian speaking, Italian writing, learning by doing, speaking Italian0 comments
Nowadays to learn a language online is very easy. You can find a lot of Italian online courses. And so why choose us? Why sign up for Italyamo? Let me...