Learn Italian abroad easily

If you have decided to learn Italian abroad for having a course in this foreign language, if you are going to to go off to university in a different country, if you have to work speaking a different language: here you can read 2 tips to do it easier and with a smile on your face!

We know that this is really challenging but very satisfying!

When I went abroad to attend my certifications about movies, shortfilms and new technology in language teaching, I had to learn them not in my mother tongue language. Result: every day I came home with a terrible teadhacke and I fell asleep like a log just after dinner!

There’s no doubt: studying in not your own language is a challenge! But how quickly you’ll improve and grow, loving your target and passions at the same time.

If you learn Italian abroad for your studies or work, you have to adapt to a different culture as well as face the difficulties of studying or working in a foreign language. Better if you have just to speak it in your country for your job. But, in any case you should know something their customs and way of life if you want have good dialogues with them (above all after working time!!!)

So, if you want improve your Italian competence as a language and as a culture as well, first of all ..

Watch Italian series and movies to learn Italian abroad better

Choose an Italian (not just in Italian!) series you like and watch it!

This is a great way to improve without feeling like you’re studying. In this way you’ll focus on the language instead of figuring out the plot.

Of course,  when actors are speaking with a heavy accent, you can turn on the subtitles to understand better!!

Plus, hearing the words and reading them at the same time will make it much easier to remember them.

Watching an Italian series (or a movie or show) make you learn a lot about our habits and slang: the fastest way to become an Italian (if you aren’t already ready to go out with Italian people!)

Have your say!!

Don’t be shy! Try to speak as much you can during your courses or with your Italian clients or job partners.

Don’t be afraid to participate to speak when there’s something you don’t understand. Ask!

While studying abroad, I used to hold back, worrying I’d make a fool of myself. When I did finally gather the courage to make questions and to say my opinions, I started to improve my english and my competence as a teacher (I were there to do just that!). But not just this! I also realized that my course’s teachers were interested in what I wanted to share with them.

Don’t have doubts about your experiences, about what you think or do: share them without shame and let your knowledge of Italian language grow up!!


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