Digital solidarity: Italyamo cares about your learning

Italian is very important to us. You are very important to us. In addition to our courses, today we want to talk about many online resources available in digital solidarity to help you studying our beautiful language. Are you ready?

Alma Edizioni – digital solidarity

Let’s start with the most famous Italian to foreigners publishing house: Alma Edizioni. Maybe you too have taken your first steps on the best seller Espresso, now Nuovo Espresso. Or you have seen the video course and met the nice characters of Federico, Valentina, etc. You can find more than 600 videos divided into headings: language, culture, didactics, comics, cooking, quizzes, songs… Video courses for levels A1, A2 and B1 for both adults and children. And many interactive exercises. Click here.

Casa delle lingue – digital solidarity

Then there is Casa delle Lingue with its cult manuals like Bravissimo! or Al dente. Also in this case it is possible to find interactive exercises for levels A1, A2 and B1. The very useful clouds of words to enrich the vocabulary. The YouTube channel full of possibilities for listening and reflection (Vivere con un vegano, La casa Feng Shui, Adrenalina e svago, Identità  migranti etc).

Edilingua digital solidarity

Famous is the publishing house Edilingua, founded by Telis Marin. It offers all Italian language students worldwide the opportunity to practice Italian through innovative games, video courses and interactive exercises. By using one of the codes (you can find here to register, you will have free and autonomous access to the platform until the end of August. You can find here some tutorial and video tutorial for the use of the platform.

Ornimi Editions digital solidarity

Finally, Ornimi Editions, the continuation of the publishing house Perugia Edizioni. You can find free audio for preparation for Celi 2, 3 and 4 and for Cils B1 certifications. But also taken from the manual in alto A1! the sound materials and the beautiful animated grammar that we highly recommend.

In short, what can I say, if you want to study, here are some free resources. And remember, if you want to find a personalized advice for your study path contact us, we will be there !

Comments 2

  • Manuela ruppel9 Giugno 2020 at 6:19

    Per chi ha lo svedese come madrelingua c e anche E facile pubblicata su iTunes Store

    • Valentina Nizardo
      Valentina Nizardo17 Settembre 2020 at 6:19

      Cara Manuela grazie del messaggio e scusa per il terribile ritardo in cui ti rispondiamo, ma abbiamo avuto dei problemi con la visualizzazione dei messaggi nel sito.
      Grazie mille della segnalazione e complimenti per l’italiano:-)
      Non so se ne hai bisogno ma hai già provato i nostri video e attività sul sito (gratis!!)?
      Fammi sapere e grazie ancora
      Buona giornata

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