Movement to learn makes your studies more effectly

It is demonstrated that movement used to learn is an effective cognitive strategy to strengthen learning, improves memory and retrieval, and enhances learner motivation and morale.

Movement increases blood and oxygen flow, which positively affects cognitive development, physical health, and mental well-being. .

Indeed, this way of learning contributes to the overall cognitive development by sending also glucose to the brain, improving mood and motivation.

As we wrote in another article (link Decrease stress from studying), body’s movement by boosting blood flow to the brain, makes us feel more focused and keeps stress’s level low and, at the same time, the concentration’s one high!!

Do you know that the area of the brain that processes movement is also the part that processes cognitive tasks? So, before having your lesson with us or before watching our videos and doing our activities, go around a little bit, have a yoga lesson, stretch your muscle and prepare your brain to work better!!


Movement refocuses the attention to learn easier

“Movement in learning or movement-based instruction is a teaching method based on the concept that humans learn better through movement. Brain breaks refocuses our attention so we can learn new material. Brain research suggests that physical activity prior to class (and during classa s well), increases students’ ability to process and retain new material.

In more, physical movement stimulates long-term memory.

Exactly, short movement breaks for the brain is said to lead to more opportunities for information processing and increased memory formation.

As studies of Asher, the originator of the Total Physical Response approach to learning any language, have proven, while the left brain puts up a fight against the memorization of new languages that occurs in so many classrooms, the right brain is completely open to responding to new commands!

In this research you can read how a team of “teachers of English Second Language (ESL) have adapted, invented, discussed and rejected a bewildering number and variety of methods and approaches and how movement could be a medium of instruction  to accelerate the acquisition of English as a second language. They describe the articulation of movement and language acquisition.”

Move your body and study Italian with us!

During face-to-face lessons with us, even if cannot of course move like in a traditional classroom,  you’ll be do it in any case! You’ll be asked to take things in your room or to mime actions, to sing (and if oyu want to dance!). In more if you want to have an Italian-yoga lesson we’ll be glad to provide it you!

The link between movement and the cognitive development has been proven as early as the 1960s during Richard Held and Alan Hein’s experiments. Here you can read another interesting article about researches and way to add movement to your learning path!

If you interested to test our different kind of learning, write to us and have a lesson to let your mind and body learn for you!!








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