Learn italian by doing what you like!!


Every day we learn by doing what we are doing: this is the best way to learn because this is a natural approach! Trying to recreate this way of learning by doing in a school context, is a big challenge for a teacher, but, in our opinion, is the most effective way to make students learn easier!

When people really like what they are doing, they may even learn how to do better than anyone had hoped! So, to learn a foreign language more easly and more effectively, find a topic you like and study it, in Italian!

Certainly, we know, you couldn’t understand everything and it could be frustrating, but …

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… but with your basic Italian grammar (you can get it with our simple and cheap online courses that you can attend whenever and wherever you prefer) you can start to improve your Italian, by learning somethnig you interested in.

For example, I attended a lot of meditation masterclass in English, even if, when I was young, my English was more maccheronic than now;-) Long before, I started to learn English translating the Clash’s songs to understand them and, of course, to be able to sing them!!!


With our online experiential lessons you’ll have the possibility to improve your Italian, grasping the grammar starting from your favourite topics or needs.

Not only! If you have the lucky to be in Italy, you could have practical experiential lessons with our team, by going around the city, by doing shopping and grocery, by going to the cinema and restaurants, by cooking your favourite Italian meal, by tasting ice cream and wine, by doing what you want, simply learning by doing!!!

In more, if you want to have a great experience in a magic place, you can go to the Como lake and attend lessons at lakecomoschool : Caterina and her team teach in this magic way! You’ll improve Italian without studing it (in the scholastic meaning of this word). And if you are in Italy in July, join us for our special retreat!


“To consider learning by doing from a psychological point of view, we must think more about learning in real life, which is, of course, the natural venue of learning by doing. There is, after all, something inherently artificial about school. Natural learning means learning on an “as needed” basis. In such a learning situation, motivation is never a problem, we learn because something has caused us to want to know. […]

If you want to learn about food and wine you have to eat and drink. If you want to learn how to drive, you have to drive. If you want to learn to fly a plane, you need to, at least, fly a simulated plane”. (NEIL MARCER, WORDS AND MINDS, HOW WE USE LANGUAGE TO THINK TOGETHER)

Therefore, if you want to learn a language, you have to speak it!!! We use the language for our needs, to reach our goals, for job or pleasure: let’s learn Italian for these reasons and forgot the fear of fail!


“As a teachers, we must, as best as we can, teach students to do things, rather than having them be told about what others have done. Learning is the accumulation and indexing of cases and thinking is the finding and consideration of an old case to use for decision-making about a new case. Critical to all this is the process of expectation failure and explanation. To make thinking beings, we must encourage explanation, exploration, generalization, and case accumulation.”

So, start to learn Italian by doing starting from now! Share with us your passions and the way these could help you to improve your Italian! If you need advices, don’t hesitate to ask us!!


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